For the past 5 years I have painted a banner for the Encinitas, CA Arts Alive and Art Colony Program. These banners hang for 5 months of the year on lampposts along the Pacific Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas, CA. The original banners are available for sale via bidding by phone or live auction. For more information visit the Arts Alive website here.
My banner this year is “Counting Crow”. It is a tribute to the daily crow commute that we witnessed from our east balcony in Encinitas. The crows have a great life….. the beach during the day and the warmer nights inland.
We are in the process of making art prints available on the website! If you would like to purchase a print of this banner or other artwork you have seen by me, please contact me directly here.
My banner this year is “Counting Crow”. It is a tribute to the daily crow commute that we witnessed from our east balcony in Encinitas. The crows have a great life….. the beach during the day and the warmer nights inland.
We are in the process of making art prints available on the website! If you would like to purchase a print of this banner or other artwork you have seen by me, please contact me directly here.